Saturday 16 June 2012

เฉลยแบบฝึกหัดเรื่อง Using Context Clues

Ex. A (page 21-22)
1. inaudible (adj.) = impossible to hear
2. obedient (adj.) = listened to instructions
3. legumes (n.) = plants in the bean family
4. tulip (n.) = a spring-blooming flower of western Asia.
5. blubber (n.) = a fat of sea animals
6. strokes (n.) = swings of the club
7. talons (n.) = claws
8. synthetic (adj.) = man-made
9. arduous (adj.) = extremely tough
10. wisdom (n.) = sound adjustment to arrive at a conclusion
11. fragile (adj.) = easily breakable
12. forbid (v.) = stop
13. immaculate (adj.) = clean
14. Pumas (n.) = mountain lions
15. amusements (n.) = fun
16. adapted (v.) = get used to
17. recluse (n.) = never seeing other people
18. reservoir (n.) = a man-made lake
19. crumpled (v.) = crushed
20. ordeal (n.) = a very hard experience

Ex. B (page 23-25)
1. d. a sound a tiger makes
2. b. horrible, disgusting
3. b. inattentive
4. a. honest, open
5. c. friendly, outgoing
6. d. a type of bird
7. c. sudden, without notice
8. d. plentiful
9. b. very soft, hard to hear
10. a. tall and sharp

Ex. A (page 26)
1. essential (adj.) = necessary
2. darned (v.) = sew
3. crisis (n.) = emergency
4. intended (v.) = planed

Ex. B (page 27)
1. b. goes away
2. c. a meal
3. d. unchanging
4. c. throw away
5. b. getting in the way of
6. c. gets in the way of

Submit book before Wed, 20 June 2012

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