Monday, 24 June 2013

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: My hand-made story

Read a story and make a presentation:
Step 1. Find a group of 5 students (This represents how you work as a team)
Step 2. Find and read an interesting story
(It can be Aesop’s fables, Grimm’s story  or any Fairy Story which has a moral.)   
Step 3. Summarize the story and create a mini presentation
(Your presentation can be a pop-up book, a story chart, a VDO clip or finger puppets.)
Step 4. Send your presentation to me.
Step 5. You will be asked about the story you read.
(The questions will be about the characters in the story, the summary of the story and moral.)       

Criteria (10 points)

Story (1 point)
# the story is interesting 

Creativity and Imagination (4 points)
# Using colors, Planning, Design, Decoration
You should create your own story from your imagination

Responsibility (2 points)
#Submit, Thursday 18th July 2013 before lunch
at M.1 Teacher’s room
#-1 point for a day late
# Students who don’t hand the note-book before Friday19th July 2013, their parents will be contacted directly by the teacher.

Questions (3 points)
# able to answer 3 questions (3 points)
# able to answer 2 questions (2 points)
# able to answer 1 question (1 points)
Student will be randomly asked the questions
The questions will be about the characters in the story, the summary of the story and moral.

Total 10 Points

If you have any questions, contact 085-8795858, 081-6026969


 * An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or a  pronoun.
There is an old tree behind the shed.
* An adjective gives us more information about the subject in the sentence—what kind, how many, which one.
orange flowers, black pony, five stars, one hour, baked beans
* A proper adjective is one that is derived out of a proper noun. proper adjective always begins with a capital letter.
Bengal tiger, American actor, French toast
* Limiting adjectives restrict the meaning of the noun without describing it. Here are some examples. this house, some people
A. Circle the adjectives in these sentences.
1.         The bananas are not ripe yet.
2.         My uncle always tells us funny stories.
3.         It was cold and wet yesterday.
4.         The cool breeze was making everyone sleepy.
5.         What are those posters about?
6.         My friend is an expert in European languages.
7.         The hungry children couldn't wait to get home.
8.         The sandwiches taste delicious.
9.         Several people in the queue could not get tickets.
10.     Whom does the red car belong to?

B. Complete the sentences with adjectives from the box.

wonderful      weak           incomplete          empty                      
bold             thrifty           cloudy               dirty
sour             lazy
1.     The milk smells sour . Let's throw it away.
2.     The sky looks cloudy . It may start raining any time.
3.     Sam has recovered from his illness, but he is still very weak .
4.     The market is empty. There is no one to be seen.
5.     Mr Scrooge is careful with his money. He is thrifty.
6.     Tina's report on the accident was incomplete She had to leave town
 before she could complete it.
7.     Paula described the wonderful experience she had on the roller
8.     Hannah put all the dirty clothes in the washing-machine.
9.     He felt too lazy to walk and took a taxi to work.
10.  She is very bold and often does sea swimming.

C. Write three adjectives to describe each person in this list.
1.    Your mother kind , warm , beautiful
2.    Your father special , brave , handsome
3.    Your best friend nice , friendly , happy
4.    Your neighbour generous , smart , funny
5.    Your pet pretty , adorable , brainy


*An appositive is a noun that follows and explains another noun. My sister, Sarah,is a very good dancer.
*An appositive phrase is a group of words that describes a noun.
Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, is one of the busiest cities in the world.
Complete these sentences with appropriate appositives.
1.      My cousin , James , bought me chocolate
2.      My friend , John , has two dogs and a cat.
3.      Bill, our English teacher, asked us to write an essay.
4.      My cat , Mick , loves to sleep in the armchair.
5.      Greece , a beautiful town , attracts many tourists.
Underline the appositive phrases in these sentences.
1. Mr Jones, our neighbour, bought a new car.
2. Beethoven, a  famous musician, was completely deaf.
3.   Venus , the closest planet to Earth, is also the hottest planet in the Solar system.
4.  Coffee, a drink prepared from roasted coffee beansis very popular all over the world.
5.     Tibet, a country in the Himalayas, is the highest region on Earth.
6.     Papaya, a fruit that grows only in tropical countries, is very rich in iron.

Compound Nouns

noun that is made up of two or more words is called a compound noun. father-in-law, doormat
Write the plural forms of these compound nouns.
1.      passer-by                     passers by
2.      blackboard                  blackboards
3.      watering can                watering cans
4.      great-uncle                  great uncles
5.      lighthouse                    lighthouses
6.      household                    households
7.      shopkeeper                 shopkeepers
8.      handout                       handouts
9.      knockout                      knockouts
10.  son-in-law                    sons-in-law

Possessive Nouns

*A possessive form of a noun shows ownership.
*A singular noun is changed into the possessive form by adding an apostrophe and -s. teacher's desk
*A plural noun that ends with -s or -es can be changed into the possessive form by adding an apostrophe.
trees' trunks
*Plural nouns that do not end in -s or -es can be changed into the possessive form by adding an apostrophe and -s.
children's park

Complete these sentences using the possessive form of the word given in brackets.
    1. My father got a phone call from my aunt’s (aunt) house.
    2. Anna’s (Anna) parents are away on vacation
    3.Tom’s (Tom) pets are very cute.
    4. Please buy some vegetable from the greengrocer’s (greengrocer) store.
    5. It is dangerous to enter a lion’s (lion) den.
    6. Enid Blyton’s (Enid Blyton) sories are delightful to read.
    7. nightingale’s (nightingale) call is very melodious.
    8.The soldiers’ (soldiers) guns were neatly arranged in a row.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Nouns - Singular and Plural Nouns

This table shows how to change Singular nouns into Plural nouns.
Type of Noun
Plural form
Most nouns
By adding -s to the word
hen - hens, tree - trees, bag - bags
Nouns ending in a consonant and -y
By replacing -y with -i and adding -es to the word
butterfly - butterflies, army - armies, baby - babies
Nouns ending in a vowel and –y
By adding -s to the word
monkey - monkeys, day - days, toy - toys
Nouns ending in -o
By adding -s or -es
video - videos, potato - potatoes, mosquito - mosquitoes
Nouns ending in -sh,-ch, -x, -s, -ss
Bye adding es
box - boxes, brush - brushes, stitch - stitches, glass - glasses
Nouns ending in -f or –fe
By changing the -f or -feto -v and adding -es
calf - calves, wolf - wolves, hoof - hooves
Compound nouns
By adding -s to the main word
brother-in-law - brothers-in-law
Irregular nouns
No   particular    rule    to
change into plural form
goose - geese, child - children, mouse - mice, man - men
Same form for singular and plural
No change to the word

deer - deer, bison - bison

เฉลยแบฝึกหัดเรื่อง Nouns (Singular or Plural n.)

Complete these sentences by using the plural form of the word given in the brackets.
1.      The dogs (dog) fought over a bone.
2.      This book is full of amazing stories  (story).
3.      Get me a couple of books from those shelves  (shelf).
4.      The farmer bought a pair of oxen  (ox) from the neighbouring town.
5.      None of the switches  (switch) in this room is working.
6.      How many countries   (country) participated in the World Cup Tournament?
7.      Please clear the dishes (dish) from the table.
8.      What are your hobbies  (hobby)?
9.      The ground is covered with dry leaves (leaf).
10.   The shepherd was worried that he had lost ten sheep  (sheep).

Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

2.11 Nouns
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
* A common noun is a general name for a class of objects, people or places. teacher, cup, park, kitten, country
* A proper noun is name of a specific person, place or thing. proper noun always begins with a capital letter.
George Smith, Boston, Disney World

เฉลยแบบฝึกหัดเรื่อง Nouns (Common and Proper n.)

A. Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns in each sentence.
*Red = Proper nouns                   Blue = Common nouns
1. Tom , would you like to come to the picnic tomorrow.
2.    Paris is the capital city of France.
3.     Gold and silver are used to make jewels.
4.    My parents are from Chicago.
5.   The Nile is the longest river in the world.
6.   The road is covered with snow.
7.   Harry Potter is the name of a famous wizard.
8.  Central park has many beautiful trees and statues.
9.   My friends love to play football in the summer.
10. Tim and Judy won the dance contest  this year.
B.Write a common noun to match each proper noun.
1.       New York                     city
2.       Christmas                    festival
3.       Australia                      country           
4.       Nile                               river
5.       Cinderella                    cartoon
6.       Atlantic                        ocean