Monday 17 June 2013

Nouns - Singular and Plural Nouns

This table shows how to change Singular nouns into Plural nouns.
Type of Noun
Plural form
Most nouns
By adding -s to the word
hen - hens, tree - trees, bag - bags
Nouns ending in a consonant and -y
By replacing -y with -i and adding -es to the word
butterfly - butterflies, army - armies, baby - babies
Nouns ending in a vowel and –y
By adding -s to the word
monkey - monkeys, day - days, toy - toys
Nouns ending in -o
By adding -s or -es
video - videos, potato - potatoes, mosquito - mosquitoes
Nouns ending in -sh,-ch, -x, -s, -ss
Bye adding es
box - boxes, brush - brushes, stitch - stitches, glass - glasses
Nouns ending in -f or –fe
By changing the -f or -feto -v and adding -es
calf - calves, wolf - wolves, hoof - hooves
Compound nouns
By adding -s to the main word
brother-in-law - brothers-in-law
Irregular nouns
No   particular    rule    to
change into plural form
goose - geese, child - children, mouse - mice, man - men
Same form for singular and plural
No change to the word

deer - deer, bison - bison

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