Monday 13 February 2012

เฉลยข้อสอบเรื่อง Active and Passive

Part 1:
Direction: Find the verbs in the following sentences and state whether they are in the Active (A) or Passive (P) voice.
1.      They usually speak English in UK.   (Active)                                    
2.      English is usually spoken in UK.      (Passive)                                      
3.      Kevin asked Denis a question.        (Active)                                            
4.      Max will look after him.    (Active)                                                      
5.      Boys like to play soccer.  (Active)                                                       
6.      This room has been painted blue. (Passive)                                           
7.      Cricket is played in Australia.       (Passive)                                          
8.      The black bike is being repaired at the moment.      (Passive)               
9.      They were singing a song in the lesson yesterday.    (Active)             
10.  We are students.    (Active)

Part 2: Direction: Rewrite the given Active sentences into Passive voice.  
           (Active to Passive) 2 points each

1.      Jane washes her car twice a week.
>>    Jane's car is washed by her twice a week.

2.      They don’t speak English in this shop.
>>     English isn't spoken in this shop by them.

3.      Julia rescued three cats.
>>    Three cats were rescued by Julia.

4.      The tiger killed the deer.
>>    The deer was killed by the tiger.

5.      Mother was making a cake.
>>    A cake was being made by mother.

Part 3: Direction: Rewrite the given Passive sentences into Active voice.  
           (Passive to Active) 2 points each

1.      The thief was caught by the police.
>>     The police caught the thief.

2.      The letter will be posted tomorrow.
>>    Someone will post the letter tomorrow.

3.      We were taught grammar by Ms. Sullivan. 
>>    Mr. Sullivan taught us grammar
>>    Mr. Sullivan taught grammar to us.

4.      My house is being built by Jim.
>>    Jim is building my house.

5.      The earth is destroyed by human.
     >>     Human destroys the earth.

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